Vax Ultima (Electronic Shipping Indicator)

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  • Vax Ultima (Electronic Shipping Indicator)

According to Fact MR, the global lyophilization market is expected to reach US$ 2.3 billion by 2032, and achieve a high CAGR of 8.8% from 2022 to 2032.

Considering these numbers, vaccine manufactures need accurate shipping indicators which give them correct temperature readings.

Keeping this need in mind, Inspired Technology has created Vax-Ultima – a World Health Organization (WHO) Performance, Quality and Safety (PQS) approved shipping indicator for vaccine exporters.

Designed in accordance with the latest WHO PQS standards and with full compliance (WHO E006/TR074), it comes with a view button whose single press allows users to see the battery level and current ambient temperature. 

To operate, hold the start/view button for 3 seconds to start the recording. After a 1-hour pre-programmed start delay system, the indicator will start recording the temperature.

The pre-programmed 1-hour start delay system is created as per the WHO PQS standards and allows users to tackle shipping delay issues. 

Vax-Ultima comes with 32,000 data points which can record for 111 days at 5 minutes recording interval and can record for 222 days at 10 minutes recording interval. 


With this recording specification Vax Ultima meets & exceeds WHO PQS specification of recoding duration of 40 days. 

Once the shipment is received, the receiver can hold the ‘Stop’ button for 3 seconds which will show the ambient temperature, trip duration and elapsed sign. 

The alarms are designed to indicate the three thresholds H1, H2 and L1. 


A single press on the ‘View’ button allows users to view when the first temperature violation happened during the trip. 

For a detailed temperature report users can use the USB plug-in that will generate an automatic secure PDF report listing the complete history of the trip. 


The attached shipping sheet and the device can be photocopied if the receiver has faced alarm issues. 


To find out more about Vax Ultima & to book an appointment please email us at